22 Agustus 2009

Produk Kami (Our Products)

Kami menjual kacang mete dengan harga antara Rp. 65.000 sampai dengan Rp. 85.000
Kami memproduksi alat pengupas mete gelondong dengan nama Kacip Ceklok dengan harga Rp. 200.000
Kami melayani pelatihan pengolahan pasca panen kacang mete dengan biaya Rp. 1.500.000 per-orang selama 3 hari dengan fasilitas alat Kacip Ceklok dan Cukil, langsung praktek tanpa teori dengan magang pada home industri, akomodasi di lokasi sentra pengrajin kacang mete Kabupaten Wonogiri Propinsi Jawa Tengah.
Transfer ke rekening nomor 2120-01-000330-53-0 BRI KCP Jatisrono a.n. MARTA ASIH SETYAWATI dan konfirmasi via HP 08122571497

We sell cashew nuts with the price of Rp. 65,000 to Rp. 85,000
We produce peeler cashew nuts the name Kacip Ceklok with the price of Rp. 200,000
We serve the training of post-harvest cashew nuts with the cost of Rp. 1,500,000 per person for 3 days with the facilities and equipment Kacip Ceklok and Cukil, practice without theory directly with the clerk on the home industry, the location of accommodation in the center of cashew nuts Wonogiri regency of Central Java Province.
Transfer to account number 2120-01-000330-53-0 BRI KCP Jatisrono c.g. MARTA ASIH SETYAWATI and confirmation via Mobile 08122571497

1 komentar:

  1. Hello,

    I'm from Romania,Europe and randomly giving search by raw cashew nuts in Indonesian, we have found you. I'd be interested in a collaboration, but everything depends on price and transport cost. Please tell me if, cashew nuts are removed from the skin without being subjected to temperatures above 40'C during the entire process. It interests me how they were grown, whether pesticides were used or if they are organic. Please inform me the price, quantity available and other products that you may sell, such as cocoa, coffee, cocoa butter, coconut butter, vanilla, other nuts, spices.
    I would be interested in collaboration with local producers, through you, because I believe that this is the future of food, and, say, a closer collaboration between manufacturers and end-user, without too many intermediaries (which leads to the final price too high).
    Thank you in advance.

    Yours sincerely,

    Gina Libotean

    Email: tataluipaul@yahoo.com
